Solving Your Law Firms Key Challenges How Outsourcing Can Help

Robert Cohan
5 months ago
Imagine your law firm bogged down by tried and tested practices that are no longer effective. Files pile up, usual tasks take longer than ever and your clients start to get impatient with it.
You thought: ”Worst case, we lose our good reputation in them—but we could always onboard new clients, right?”. Unfortunately, these people have been searching online first, and you don’t exist there. So instead, your ‘trendy’ competitor is the first one they reach out to.
You recognized these problems and decided to move processes to digital. But, it’s not a simple switch as you thought — you’ve heard stories of data breaches even in the world’s top law firms. If you migrate without solid data security, it won’t be long until your client’s sensitive data becomes a ticking time bomb.
And your frustration with new legal software doesn’t end there. It’s supposed to make things easier, but your team struggles to adapt. You have the tools, but it requires intensive training. Not only does this lag you behind, but it hurts employee morale and productivity.
So to save your team from this challenging transition, you’re looking to hire new staff already skilled in digital tools. This looks good on paper until the costs of recruiting and onboarding quickly add up. Worst, there’s no assurance that these new hires would mesh well with your firm’s culture or handle the workload effectively. You’re now back to square one: admin tasks still pile up, the team is overwhelmed, and competitors leave you behind.
Reflecting on the time spent on non-legal and admin tasks, you realized: you’re taking your lawyers away from their dream: to win cases. You disabled the goose that lays golden eggs, and now your law firm is suffering.
You’re in a deadlock.
(This ain’t an overall good thing) but…you’re not alone.
Many law firms are stuck with inefficient operations. Reports show that lawyers only spend about 2.3 hours of an 8-hour day on billable work. That’s less than 30% of their day on tasks that actually generate revenue.
At the same time, the legal client base has been changing. At least 38% of legal service seekers start their search online. This digital dependency also aligns with their law firm expectations—69% of consumers prefer law firms that use modern client portals.
So, most firms are now adopting new tech improvements (although it’s a struggle to get staff up to speed). Research showed that the learning curve is steep and law firms have less emphasis on adequate training.
As an alternative to training employees, many firms consider outsourcing legal support services. However, a study found that hiring and managing remote staff on their own can be risky. A study found that companies with a bad hire reported $14,900 in lost income. Factors for these losses include turnovers, productivity dips, and legal compliance issues.
Plus, data security has always been a big concern. Reports indicate that approximately 29% of law firms experienced some form of data breach last 2023.
Some law firms don’t do something about it and they end up with:
Frustration in slow, paper-heavy workflows.
Clients flock to competitors’ digital services.
Failing to adapt to new industry-standard tools.
A data breach waiting to happen.
Lawyers drowning in daily tasks, missing bigger wins.
Sub: For those few who did not take any chances
Main: They’re now living their law firm success stories.
Insert graphics here to show (not only tell) the worst-case scenario of not doing something about these pains/problems. The graphics could be in a slider/carousel format and visualize these scenarios:
Picture of a team overloaded with paper files/something that shows frustration in slow processes.
Something that shows a lack of online presence in comparison to a competitor, wherein clients flock to them.
Adding on tech upgrades but causing headaches because the team doesn’t fully know how to maximize them.
It is not obvious, but in the background, is an always-present risk of data breach. (Waiting for the right time to bring everything down, until the management come up a solid security plan.) The boss could only hope it’s not anytime near.
The boss is facing a group of applicants. But the applicants are wearing masks and then beneath it are the costs associated with hiring—recruitment, training, and the risk of poor cultural fit. The boss is unaware.
A mountain of admin tasks. And then lawyers whose skills are used for legal battles are wasting time on this “daily quests” – then missing on the bigger wins.
Insert graphics here to show (not only tell) the best-case scenario of not doing something about these pains/problems. The graphics could be in a slider/carousel format. The peg is like a “headline” in newspaper/TV or a Google Snippet layout. Basically, we want the audience to feel that if they “do the correct choice” then they’re going to be in these headlines, too. These are the headlines:
Legal Firm Achieves 80% Efficiency Boost with Workflow Transformation
Law Practice's Digital Leap – 50% Rise in Online Leads Thanks to New Marketing Strategies
Law Firm Achieves Zero Security Breaches with Enhanced Data Protection
Legal Team's Productivity Jumps 60% with Advanced Tech Training
Law Firm Slashes Hiring Expenses by 45% Through Strategic Staffing Solutions
Law Firm Redirects 90% of Paperwork, Sharpens Legal Focus
Want the same win?
Here's how we help you get there, too:
Your Problem: Slow and Inefficient Workflow
Our Corebridge Solution: We will introduce AI and digital tools in phases. The goal is to start small and target high-stakes processes like case management, document review, and client communication and then scale up from there, depending on effectiveness.
Your Problem: Limited Marketing Reach
Our Corebridge Solution: We will audit your current marketing strategies and review past campaigns and client demographics to align with market trends. Based on the proposal, you can ensure you get a more targeted reach, making the most of your marketing budget. Next, we will scale up the digital integration (social media, SEO, and content marketing) across other company processes.
Your Problem: Digital Expansion Poses Security Risks
Our Corebridge Solution: Our expert pool of network engineers will assess your data security risks and suggest a framework. We’ll then rebuild your portals and orient you on the latest data security practices.
Your Problem: Learning Curve on Adapting New Software
Our Corebridge Solution: Before implementing these improvements, our team will suggest a structured training program that includes:
foundation training sessions to familiarize employees with the new software
in-depth workshops on specific features relevant to different roles within the firm.
Your Problem: Administrative Overload
Our Corebridge Solution: We will assess your current workflows and introduce process automation for routine administrative tasks. Specifically, the goal is to pinpoint routine, time-consuming tasks that are candidates for automation. We will then assess how these tasks are currently performed, identify any inefficiency, and select suitable tools to improve the processes.
Your Problem: Intensive Hiring Demands
Our Corebridge Solution: We will augment your back office with our pre-vetted experts. Hiring process will add more work to your already overloaded schedule. With offshore staffing, you eliminate the hassle of recruiting and onboarding. You get access to a pool of qualified professionals who are ready to integrate into your operations. And more than adding a staff, we can also provide a whole team of experts according to your business needs requirements. Easily get the right talents, while reducing hiring and training costs and focusing on core business activities.
Experiencing similar bottlenecks and need help? Tell us more about it [link to contact forms].
5 months ago